To confirm the topic, I have done several research to support my topic. For the same sex love in Hong Kong, still have discriminate in the society and most of them are the ethic and the moral organization in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Magazine (Sep 17, 2015)., Pink City: Equality, Love and Pride in Hong Kong
In the research of the project, i found out that the least discrimination are the foreign companies. To protect the homosexual people. And a research from Hong Kong University point out that, only a quarter of the interviewees from 100 people totally support the same sex marriage in Hong Kong. That is a obstruct for the homosexual people to have the equal right with the
Heterosexual couple in Hong Kong.
To film the video, i would compare the difference between the homosexual couple and the hetersexual copuple in their daily life, how the people treat them in different situation. From that to raise the attention to the difficulty in their life with the same sex couple.
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