Sunday, July 31, 2016

53intake_YIP TSZ YAU_10641720_Project1_Blog10

 The final production

During my shooting, I found that there are some problems that appear such the script need to have a change for some unexpected situations. Therefore, I have a little change for the final script.
Intensive production

世俗眼光Secular vision

片長: 約7-10分鐘

第一場: 輕鐵站

※ 肥健的幻想情節。

※ 肥健坐係輕鐵站, 等緊佢心儀既對象Kathy (不斷拍蚊, R痕, 抹汗, 表現不太耐煩)

肥健: 嘩好熱啊好熱啊, 點解甘熱架! 攞張紙巾抹下汗先

Why just so hot? Take a piece of paper towel to wipe.

Kathy: (跑過泥, 撥下啲頭髮) 吾好意思啊, 泥遲左, 係咪等左好耐啊?

Sorry, I'm late. Whether you waited a long time or not?

肥健: 呃, 你泥啦, 吾緊要啦我等左吾係好耐。

Er.... Is ok. Just for few minuets...

Kathy: 嘩你成頭汗抹下先啦

Please wipe your sweat first.

肥健: 吾該哂你啊!

Thank you very much.

第二場: 輕鐵站

※ 肥健坐係輕鐵站, 等緊佢心儀既對象Kathy (不斷拍蚊, R痕, 抹汗, 表現不太耐煩)

※ 等左大約兩個鐘, Kathy終於慢慢行過泥。

肥健: 嘩好熱啊好熱啊, 點解甘熱架! 攞張紙巾抹下汗先

Why just so hot? Take a piece of paper towel to wipe.

Kathy: 喂!


肥健: 呃 你終於都泥啦

Oh! You finally come here.

Kathy: 咩意思呀你, 你都係等左我2個鐘咋嘛

What's your meaning? You just waited me for 2 hours.

肥健: 吾係啊, 吾係啊, 我吾係甘既意思

No, No, Nothing.

Kathy: 抹下啲汗先啦你, 好臭呀, 抹完啦嘛? 行啦

Please wipe your sweat first. You are smelly. Are you ok now? Let's go.

肥健: 哦! 好啊好啊, 知道!

Oh!, Yes madam.


Tittle: 世俗眼光


由細到大, 我都係一個肥仔, 我一直都唔覺得我身型有啲咩問題, 可能因為我屋企成家人都係咁肥啦, 我諗我個身型都係遺傳掛。直到我遇到佢, Mary, 我先知原來好似我咁樣身型既人, 係生活上面真係會遇到好多唔方便, 所以我用盡一切方法去減肥, 好似做運動啊, 節食啊, 扣喉啊, 差唔多所有減肥既方法我都試過。為既冇咩, 只係想佢望多我一眼。

All along, I was a fat boy. I never felt my body type is a problem. Probably because my family are obese. I guess my body type is inherited. Until I met her, Mary. I realized that the body type like me will encounter a lot of inconvenience in their daily lives. So I tried everything to lose weight, like exercise, diet, and even buckle throat. I just want her to look at me more.

第三場: 屋企

※ 肥健上網買淘寶

肥健: 啊 屋企冇衫著, 等我碌下淘寶買番件衫先。 咦? 呢件吾錯喎,我諗我著左都可以好似佢甘型。 嘩真係吾錯喎,立即購買!好!搞掂!

There is no clothes that I can wear. Let's go to Taobao and have a look. This one looks like good. I think I can be handsome such him after I wear this shirt. Buy now! Finish.

※此時, 淘寶送到

肥健: 嘩甘快到既件衫,真係正啦,呢個速遞真係有效率啊!

Wow! It is too fast. The express delivery is really efficient.

※ 肥健試衫

肥健: 等我試下件衫先,咦?咦?點解好似有啲窄窄地甘既,唉死啦 點算啊 點算啊? 連鈕都扣吾到! 唉好頹啊!!!!!

Let me try this shirt. What? What? Why this shirt is a bit narrow? OMG!!!! What can I do? Button are not even buckle!

第四場: 走廊

※肥健外出, 在走廊等升降機, 身旁的女人一面厭棄的樣子。

女人: 嘩! 好臭呀, 咁臭就好心抹乾淨啲汗先出街啦! 唉架Lift到未呀, 真係好臭!

Wow! He is so smelly. Why dont he just wipe the sweat? When will the lift come? Smells are horrible.

※肥健表現尷尬, 此時升降機到達。

肥健: (走入升降機) Er..吾好意思啊小姐,你入吾入架?

女人: 唔入啦!你咁臭, 下次唔該噴下止汗劑先出街啦。

No! Your smell is horrible. Please use antiperspirant.

肥健: 哦,吾好意思啊sorry.

Oh, I am so sorry miss.

第五場: 肥健的家

(訪問: 日常生活的困難)

第六場: 肥健的家

※ 肥健照鏡突然覺得自己好肥好冇自信, 望下自己個身再望下自己塊面, 決定減肥。

肥健: 嘩!點解肥左甘多既, 塊面同個肚腩都肥左....

Why I just fatter than before. Both face and belly are fat.

※ 有人打電話叫肥健落街食飯, 但佢堅拒唔食

肥健: .喂!打比我做乜野啊?

Hello? What's up?

電話人: 喂!今晚出吾出泥食飯啊? 甘耐冇見, 吾係吾食啊

Hey Kin! Come out and have a dinner tonight. I have not see you for a long time.

肥健: 食飯?做乜無啦啦食飯既?

Dinner? Why so sudden?

電話人: 舊同學聚會啊,出泥啦出泥啦

Just a gathering with our classmates.

肥健: 吾食啦吾食啊,我今日照鏡肥左好多啊

Sorry, I want to stay at home. I am too fat.

電話人: 肥左好多?你邊忽肥啊? 出泥啦!

No kidding please. You are not fat. Come out!

肥健: 吾出啊吾出啊係甘啦.....88

Nononononono...... 88

電話人: 喂啊。。喂喂喂

Hey...hey hey hey

第七場: 肥健的家

※ (訪問: 以前既諗法)

第八場: 肥健的家

※ 一個月後

※ 肥健磅重, 發現自己減肥用左好多心機但仍然冇瘦過, 覺得好氣餒。

肥健: 唉好肥啊,點解冇瘦過架

Why did not thinner than before?

肥健: 咩事啊你,做乜dum我啊

Hey! What are you doing?

家姐: 行開行開行開啊, 佢吾見左個女啊!

Get out! I am watching TV.

肥健: (超激動)見吾到我磅緊重咩? 我磅緊重啊,我減左成個月都冇瘦過啊,搞錯啊唉~~~~~點算啊

I am just measuring my weight. I have not lose my weight within this month. How come?

家姐: 減咩肥啊 冇啦啦減咩肥 你睇下你減肥減到面色幾甘差。

Lose weight? Please look at your face, you look so bad.

肥健: 邊有人中意肥仔架

No one like fat boy.

家姐: 信我啦 吾需要減肥喎! 做番自己啦, 做番自己最開心, 體重呢啲, 浮雲泥架咋!

Believe me. No need to lose weight. Just be yourself. Body weight such things, do not concern too much.

第九場: 肥健的家

※ (訪問: 而家既諗法)

第十場: 街景
旁白: 時下既年青人不時都會將減肥掛係咀邊, 佢地會用盡一切方法減去體重, 佢地減肥的原因往往都係受到傳媒同朋友的影響, 瘦, 係咪就等於靚呢? 別人既審美觀係咪代表我地一定要跟隨呢? 人地點樣睇你唔重要,最緊要是自己點樣睇自己。


Nowadays young people always say they need to lose weight who will exhaust all means to subtract the weight. They are often subject to the influence of friends and the media, however, thin, whether equated to beauty? Should we must follow others' aesthetic? People to think of us is not important, the most important is how to think of yourself. See all kinds of beauty, but also to learn to see our own beauty.

Here is my final production which has uploaded on Youtube:

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