Sunday, July 17, 2016

53intake_YIP TSZ YAU_10641720_Project1_Blog4

Here is my script.

世俗眼光Secular vision

片長: 7分鐘

第一場: 公園

※ 肥健的幻想情節。

※ 肥健企係個公園度, 等緊佢心儀既對象Mary (不斷拍蚊, R痕, 表現不太耐煩)

Mary: (跑過泥, 撥下啲頭髮) Sorry啊 BB, 頭先塞車, 係咪等左我好耐呀, 陰公啦, 成腳都係蚊爛, 我地快啲行啦, 唔好企係度暴曬。

I'm so sorry honey. There was a traffic jam so that I am late. Are you waiting for me a long time? We just get out of here quickly, do not stand here and exposure.

第二場: 輕鐵站

※ 肥健望住遠方, 發呆含春笑

※ 咁岩呢個時侯, Jenny走過泥拍肥健膊頭

Jenny: 喂, 肥健乜咁岩既, 勁耐冇見過你啦, 好似又肥左喎你

Hey! Kin , long time no see. You seems fatter than before.

肥健: 嘩, Jenny, 你嚇死我呀, 頭先幻想緊同我女神BB拖手仔架!

Oh! It's jenny. I was intimidated by you. I was holding hands with goddess in my fantasies.

Jenny: (係佢面前拍一下手掌) 番泥啦! 好心你啦師兄, 你連女仔啲頭髮都未掂過呀, 講咩拖手仔呀。更何況你肥左咁多, 減左肥先再講啦!(取笑佢) 喂! 行去前面個卡啦, 呢卡唔近我落車啊!

Hey Guy! You have not touched the girl's hair, let alone drag hand? Moreover you are just fatter than before, lose weight and say it again!

肥健: (頹樣) 諗下姐, 洗唔洗踩到咁盡啊! (默默地跟住Jenny後面)

It's just my imagination.

Tittle: 世俗眼光


由細到大, 我都係一個肥仔, 我一直都唔覺得我身型有啲咩問題, 可能因為我屋企成家人都係咁肥啦, 我諗我個身型都係遺傳掛。直到我遇到佢, Mary, 我先知原來好似我咁樣身型既人, 係生活上面真係會遇到好多唔方便, 所以我用盡一切方法去減肥, 好似做運動啊, 節食啊, 扣喉啊, 差唔多所有減肥既方法我都試過。為既冇咩, 只係想佢望多我一眼。

All along, I was a fat boy. I never felt my body type is a problem. Probably because my family are obese. I guess my body type is inherited. Until I met her, Mary. I realized that the body type like me will encounter a lot of inconvenience in their daily lives. So I tried everything to lose weight, like exercise, diet, and even buckle throat. I just want her to look at me more.

第三場: 輕鐵

※ 背景聲: 輕鐵關門聲

※ 肥健走入車箱, 成身流哂汗, 肥健抹汗, 抖哂大氣, 隔離個女人用厭棄既眼神望住肥健。

女人: (內心諗) 大熱天時就好心抹乾淨啲汗先上車啦, 又唔係唔知自己肥會大汗, 臭到死, 成架車都係佢陣臭汗味。( 之後藐完佢就行開左)

The car have exudes the smell of his sweat. Why dont he just wipe his sweat.

肥健: (唔好意思地咁低頭禁電話, 見孑到有位坐, 想衝過去, 但又卻步, 內心諗) 唉, 都係企係度算啦, 廢事等陣啲人又厭我大汗臭親佢地。

Ugh, I just stand here Preventing someone despised my sweat.

第四場: H&M

※ 肥健去左H&M諗住買新衫, 但發覺佢睇中既衫已經冇哂佢想要既SIZE

肥健: 唔該, 我想問下呢件衫仲有冇大碼?

Excuse me, is there any L size?

Sales: 唔好意思呀先生, 我地放哂出泥架啦啲SIZE, 大碼平時都會番得比較小, 或者你睇下其他款呀。

Sorry sir, we all place there. We just had a little number of L size.

肥健: 咁其他分店會唔會有大碼?

ER.. How about the other stores?

Sales: (禁下部CHECK貨機) UM... 全線分店都冇啦SORRY!!

UM.... Sorry sir, all L size was sold out.

肥健: (SAD樣內心諗) 我都係想買件衫姐, 都咁難架! 唉唔買啦:(

I just want to but a cloth, why so difficult.

第五場: 肥健的家

(訪問: 日常生活的困難) 00:49

第六場: 肥健的家

※ 肥健照鏡突然覺得自己好肥好冇自信, 望下自己個身再望下自己塊面, 決定減肥。

※ 有人WHATSAPP肥健叫佢落街食宵, 堅拒唔食, 仲話連晚餐都唔食

※ DUM 哂所有零食

第七場: 肥健的家

※ (訪問: 以前既諗法) 00:42

第八場: 體育館

※ 肥健磅重, 發現自己減肥用左好多心機但仍然冇瘦過, 覺得好氣餒。

肥健: (好憤怒) 有冇搞錯, 點解會冇瘦過, 明明我已經好努力減肥, 咩方法我都試過啦, 點解會同以前一樣咁肥, 究竟係邊度出錯呀?

Is there something wrong? I have worked very hard to lose weight and I have tried all methods. Why would I have the same weight as before, exactly which side is wrong?

※ 呢個時候Mary突然出現, 拍一拍肥健膊頭

Mary: E? 肥健? 好耐冇見啦, 做乜你面色差左咁多架? 唔舒服咩?

Hey Kin! OH! Why you look like so bad? not feeling well?

肥健: 我呢排減緊肥...

I am keeping fit ...

Mary: 下, 做乜冇啦啦減肥呀, 肥嘟嘟咪幾可愛, 你而家減到成個人落哂形咁呀。面色又差, 成個人望落勁憔悴, 做番自己咪幾好。

Little fat is very cute. You are now looked quite poor, very haggard and emaciated, so back yourself.

肥健: 但係冇人會中意肥仔囉.... 更何況...

But I believe that no one like fat boy.

Mary: 信我啦, 做番自己你會更加開心, 更加有自信。

Trust me! Be yourself you will be happier and more confident.

第九場: 肥健的家

※ (訪問: 而家既諗法) 00:56+ 00:18

第十場: 街景

旁白: 時下既年青人不時都會將減肥掛係咀邊, 佢地會用盡一切方法減去體重, 佢地減肥的原因往往都係受到傳媒同朋友的影響, 瘦, 係咪就等於靚呢? 別人既審美觀係咪代表我地一定要跟隨呢? 人地黠樣睇你唔重要,最緊要是自己點樣睇自己。


Nowadays young people always say they need to lose weight who will exhaust all means to subtract the weight. They are often subject to the influence of friends and the media, however, thin, whether equated to beauty? Should we must follow others' aesthetic? People to think of us is not important, the most important is how to think of yourself. See all kinds of beauty, but also to learn to see our own beauty.

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