Saturday, July 16, 2016

53intake_Tang Yee Ting_15039978_Project1_Blog4

After having a small discussion, my idea and behind meaning of my project has been changed.  In the beginning, I only concerned about the composition of my photos,for example how to make my photos become more beautiful and attractive.  However, the behind meaning of making the photos are too unclear and indistinct.  And now, I would like to choose three characters that are come from the film that are directed by Tim Burton,  they will be Jack from the film of "The nightmare before Christmas", Edward from the film of  "Edward Scissorhands" and Mad Hatter from the film of "Alice in Wonderland".  I think these three characters can represent the personality of Hong Kong people, for example, Jack is creative and clever, it can represent the clever people and use their eye view to see the society.  Also, my photos will divide into two parts, the original background and the frame view of the characters.  The original background is the original photo that I took and the frame background is the post- production.  I hope it can show the different between each other.

Jack from the film of "The nightmare before Christmas"

Edward from the film of  "Edward Scissorhands"

Mad Hatter from the film of "Alice in Wonderland"

Here is the schedule of the project:

17  July
Taking the test photos
18 July
Doing the pre- production
19-23 July
Taking the final photos
24-28 July
Final editing of the photos
29-31 July
Final Check for the products

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