Friday, July 15, 2016


Blog 4

I decided to change my topic and focus on hand carved mahjong. Mahjong is known as the quintessence of Chinese culture. Between the 70s and 80s, almost every household had a set of mahjong. But, due to the impact of electronic online games, automatic mahjong and cheap machine- made mahjong, this industry of traditional handcraft is now faded away. Therefore, my study will focus on discover the remaining of hand-carved mahjong.

Topic: The Remaining Carving Art of Mahjong Tiles

Genre: Non-fictional video (Expository)

Here are some research questions:

1.The history of mahjong culture in Hong Kong
2. The platform transform of hand-craved mahjong (timeline)
3. The lifestyle transform of human behavior
4. The values of hand-craved mahjong
5. The reason of out of inheritance of people in this craft



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