Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The narrative speech and interview script (Part 2) 

(Part 2)

Today we were luckily able to have an interview with both of the local Mahjong hand crafters from Hung Hom and Jordan who taught and expressed their styles of hand techniques when they carve and paint a Mahjong tile. Mr Cheung Shun-King, also known as Uncle King has worked in Jordan with over 50 years of experience, is one of the remaining hand crafters left in Hong Kong, He shared with us the crucial part of hand carven Mahjong, which is during the process, each technique, including carving, the performance of hand movement and the adjustments depicts the hand crafter as each handcrafter has its own unique style.

Uncle King explained that there are four "east" tiles in a full set of mahjong tiles and they are all unique as it depends on each masters techniques along with tools and imprints and the emotions at the time of carving. He believes that no tile is the same. Each is completely different from one another even if it's the same letter or pattern. This is because each master’s techniques when it comes to engravement, the colours of the paint and the different strokes (using either light or heavy strokes) each of this technique form the final mahjong tile. Therefore because of these three techniques users are able to feel the life, and the meaning it expresses.

20-30 years ago there was business even if it's 2 or 3 months early from Chinese New Year, however there isn't anymore business today (Detele)


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